This summer, WDCV has been featuring interviews with several of the "Community DJs" (non-student and/or non-staff at Dickinson folks, like myself, that have radio shows at the station). This past week the station published my profile. During my conversation about Alloy, I was reminded of just how important and essential freedom is to the process that is my little corner of the WDCV community, Alloy. It is a tremendous luxury to be able to indulge my passion for music, to play what resonates and challenges me every week, and then share my discoveries each week, with you. The freedom—the depth and breadth I am given to explore music—has expanded my awareness, understanding, and appreciation of music. No question, the exercise of creating a list of music each week has afforded (and some weeks, forced!) me to re-examine my own taste and sensibilities about music, sound, and even noise. It is a journey I delight in. No surprise, perhaps, this week's music offering is a continuation, a sub-product, if you will, of the freedom that has percolated across the many weeks and shows that is the greater Alloy arc of shows/playlists. Thanks for listening and riding the airwaves with me each week.
Finally, don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from the last episode, “Old(er) is New Again” (click here). This week's artwork by yours truly yours truly is titled, "brass bells."