

I was inspired this week to do a little musical detective work. In particular, looking for what I like to call "afterglow" tracks. What are "afterglow" tracks? Tracks missed the first time around when featuring a new artist or release. With so many incredibly talented artists creating fantastic work it is easy to pass by or passover excellent music en route to chasing after the next new one, the next new thing. I am pleased to share that the "afterglow" is burning brightly this week on Alloy. Mingling with the "afterglow" tracks will be some new releases as well as some timeless classics.

Lend an open ear and listen live on Tuesday via the web stream or on your mobile device via TuneIn by clicking here at 9AM. Also, don't forget that you can listen to all of the music from the last episode, “Is this mic on?” from the comfort of your browser (click here). This week's artwork, “afterglow” was created by yours truly.