Mining for Sounds

"psychedelic tapestry" by gbmediadesign

Inspiration can from so many possible unexpected sources and experiences. In pulling together the music for this week's show, novel influences informed part of the show's playlist. Aside from the new tracks played, and there were several standout tracks (checkout the playlist here), as well as recent favorites, I wove in a couple tracks by The Beach Boys and The Jam. Why? I was inspired by two documentaries viewed this past week: The Beach Boys: Making Pet Sounds and The Jam: About the Young Idea. I highly recommend watching both whether you are familiar with, or not familiar with, the subjects of these two films. The Beach Boys/Brian Wilson's Pet Sounds years have been well documented, but it was a time that is amazingly rich with stories, influences, and interesting musical perspectives that make-up the heart and soul of this recent documentary. Common themes and threads that have surfaced in other documentaries about this time period appear here, but there are still gems that surface—in-studio sound recordings and some fresh band member insights—make it a compelling watch. The documentary, The Jam: About the Young Idea focuses on a band that in the late '70s and early 80's had more of a cult following in the US, but a much larger core of loyal fans and followers in the UK, specifically, and Europe, generally. Featuring the original band members, as well as compelling stories shared by fans and followers whose lives were forever changed by The Jam and their music, this documentary about The Jam provides a much needed foundation, a beginning, of much needed insight and perspective on this band and its contribution to music from this period. Well worth watching. Checkout this week's playlist to sample the results of my mining for sounds this week.